Where East Meets West
Doguyla Batinin Birlestigi Yer
Istanbul 1999 acrylic on canvas 160cm x 160cm
In celebration of the new millennium and as a token of appreciation, this painting was presented to Coltex by all parties involved in the production of garments from Turkey.
APS Textile & Trade Co., Bolteks Ithalat Ihracat Tekstil, Bossa T.A.S. Denim Isletmeleri, Bozkurt Mensucat Sanayi A.S., Colveta Turkey AG Istanbul Irtibat Burosu, Dynamo Denim Kumascilik Ticaret ve Sanayi Ltd. Sti, Ersin Dis Ticaret ve Tekstil, Gencteks Tekstil Giyim San ve Tic Ltd. Sti., Gunkar Konf. San ve Tic Ltd. Sti., Koniteks Readywear Industry & Trade Co., Koper Citcit ve Percin Sanayi A.S., Libra Tekstil sanayi ve Ticaret Ltd. Sti., Orkar Tekstil Pazarlama San. A.S., Piatex International Ltd., Promar Textiles, Reijnart Transport AS Haseyad Koop., Rimaks Tekstil Urunleri San ve Tic A.Ş., Roseteks Giyim Sanayi Anonim Sirketi, Sezer tekstil Sanayi ve Ticaret Anonim Sirketi, Telli Tekstil Industry & Trade Co. Ltd.
The image was subsequently reproduced for a 2000 poster calendar and has been reproduced several times for various projects and clients since.