Suzer Plaza - Ritz Carlton New Year 2008The Gokkafes image was again used for a card wishing recipients a happy New Year.

2002 Suzer Plaza-Ritz CarltonThe painting Spacecage was produced for the Mayadrom? Yeah! exhibition in 1999. It was later purchased and presented to the Suzer Plaza where it now resides.

Gokkafes Mavisi / Spacecage Blue was produced as part of the TBV43 Collection in 2001 and can be seen at the Bobrek Hastanesi Vakfi in Bakirkoy, Istanbul.

In 2002 the images were used for a Suzer Plaza - Ritz Carlton brochure presentation.
"I've come to regard the Gokkafes; the Space Cage, as an affectionate term for the Ritz-Carlton, one of the most recognisable landmarks of the Istanbul skyline. I first painted it in 1998 as construction cranes loomed above, over-looking the attractive Besiktas football stadium and uniquely located by the mighty Bosphorus. This controversial architectural statement symbolises the contradictions, dichotomies and progression of modern Turkey dragging herself up, up and away from the past. When ever I return to Istanbul, the Gokkafes is a solid, comforting and reassuring sight welcoming me home. I imagine at night, when no one is looking, this Gokkafes character opens its eyes with a gentle giant smile, checking all it purveys is OK."Ned Pamphilon November 2006